Jeetu Pahlwan - is born and brought up at village Ghitorni New Delhi. India. He is from a family of wrestlers. His grandfather guru Shyamlal was one of the best traditional Indian wrestler of his time. Jeetu's father Rajinder Pahlwan and uncle Satveer also remained very good wrestlers This blog is dedicated the wrestling family , specially about Jeetu Pahlwan about his dedication and hard work in traditinal Indian wrestling.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Jeetu Pahlwan wins a great match
Jeetu pahlwan Naya baans dangal match
Jeetu pahlwan Naya baans dangal match
This is a match played by Jeetu on the mat, agains Balraj Pahlwan. it is a good match, at Naya Bans, Noida, sec -18.
Jeetu against world cadet and junior asian medlist from mehar singh akhada
ये वीडियो जीतू पहलवान की भारत कुमार बाउट का हैं। इसमें जीतू पहलवान एशिया जूनियर व् वर्ल्ड कैडेट के मेडलिस्ट पहलवान से कुश्ती लड़ रहे हैं। शुरुआत में जीतू २ पॉइंट्स बनाते हैं जिसके जवाब में उनका विरोधी 4 पॉइंट्स बनाता हैं। कुश्ती बढ़िया हैं , दोनों पहलवानो के तेज अटैक देखने लायक हैं। मै चूँकि कोच की चेयर पे था , और मेरा सहयोगी अरुण वीडियो बना रहा था , उसने कुश्ती के महत्वपूर्ण पल आउट ऑफ़ फ्रेम कर दिए , जिसका दुःख रहेगा। मैंने उस डाँट कर समझाया हैं , उम्मीद है अगली बार वो ऐसा नहीं करेगा। बाद में जीतू 2 पॉइंट्स और लेते हैं , कुश्ती 4 -4 के स्कोर पर अंतिम मिनट में पहुँचती हैं , जहाँ दोनों के बीच बढ़िया कुश्ती चलती हैं , और जीतू के पैर में खिंचाव आता हैं , पैर के ऑपरेशन से उबरे उन्हें अभी 2 महीने भी नहीं हुए हैं। जीतू हार गया इसकी चिंता नहीं खेल हैं , लेकिन खिलाडियों को लगी चोट से उन्हें मजबूर होते देखना बड़ा दुःख दाई हैं , कुश्ती के बाद मैंने जीतू को सलाह दी हैं की प्रॉपर रेस्ट और ट्रीटमेंट लें।
a26 Jeetu Pahlwan - Phoolwalon ki sair Mehrauli ,Qutab Minar Delhi.
a26 Jeetu Pahlwan - Phoolwalon ki sair Mehrauli ,Qutab Minar Delhi.
Phoolwalon ki sair , of flower festival of Meharauli is one of the oldest tradition of the natinal capital Delhi. There are lot of programmes being organised here, plays, dance, music, poetry and sports. among sports is kite flying, kabaddi, kho kho and kushti. The kushti dangal is the main attration however . and in the kushti event, the Jeetu Pahlwan fought for the first prize match. He fought with the wrestler of armed forces, watch what happened in their fight for the first prize.
Jeetu , Akash, Ajay bheema and Vinod pahwlan
Jeetu , Akash, Ajay bheema and Vinod pahwlan
This is the first prize match at fateh pur dangal, here Akash yadav is fighting with Pradeep Bheema, and Jeetu fights with Vinod guru badree. both bouts are held simultaneously as the sun was setting
Jeetu Pahlwan vs Rajesh Bhati
Jeetu Pahlwan vs Rajesh Bhati
22nd August , 2014 , Dankor, Uttar pardesh, India. Kushti between Jeetu Pahalwan guru shyam lal akhada vs senior wrestler Rajesh bhati guru hanuman akhada
India's Best kushti Wrestlers Jeetu Pahlwan
India's Best kushti Wrestlers Jeetu Pahlwan
So far it proved to be a good season for Jeetu Pahlwan, he fought with a few tough challengers , remained either equal or won the matches. Here is one of the matches with a tough guy bunty or Amit of guru hanuman akhada, :- pls subscribe to watch more such videos
Jeetu vs Sumit Sehrawat Guru Satpal Akhada Chhtrsaal, New Delhi
This is match between Jeetu Pahlwan and Sumit on dated 16th august 2014. Sumit is a big wrestler he has medals in national and international champions also. His fight with the first prize was scheduled with Jeetu, who is much junior to him. In this Match Sumit tried with all his might to win over jeetu including a few very dangerous moves which could leve jeet with broken legs , what happens is a matter of watching : -
Jeetu Pahlwan guru Shyam Lal vs Mandeep Pahlwan
Jeetu Pahlwan guru Shyam Lal vs Mandeep Pahlwan
This is the video of Today 15th August , Jeetu fought with his old rival Mandeep Pahlwan. They have fought one or two times earlier. Mandeep is a great wrestler , he challenged , Jeetu who is playing this season after after almost one year , recovering from Injury. Mandeep is a seasoned and one of the best wrestler of guru Hanuman Akhada , who have been practising hard and was confident enough of putting jeetu into submission , will he succeed , will jeetu show his strength after recovering , watch the video and find out
Jeetu Pahlwan pins his opponents in seconds
Jeetu Pahlwan Vs Bholu Pahlwan
Jeetu Pahlwan Vs Bholu Pahlwan
Jeetu Pahlwan is a great Kushtiwrestler. He fights very well with his opponents. With grace and sporting spirit his matches are a delight to watch. Here in this match Jeetu Pahlwan of Guru shyam Lal akhada, Village Ghitorni , son of Rajinder Pahlwan is paired with a very very good kushtiwrestler Bhola , a disciple of the Mighty Guru Satpal of Chtrsaal Stadium. Among the students of Guru Satpal are Sushil Kumar, Yogeshwar, Amit , Pawan and many other who have won medals at Olympics and in every form of National and International competition. Watch the match between Jeetu and Bhola , on the occasion of Teez festival, in a Traditional wrestling competition organised by the Village Committe of Village Wajirabad, Gurgaon , Haryana India.

sozo4 7 months ago
which one is the one in the white trunks ?

rolyian 9 months ago
This is great fight, they are well matched and I have always been a fan of Jeetu. Was it a draw because the filming ended before the victor was announced?. I hope we see more of this excellent wrestler, and I wish him well.

ansuia1974 Shared on Google+ · 10 months ago
· 1

rolyian 9 months ago
This was a great fight, and as a fan of Jeetu it was interesting to find him fight a guy with the same strength and determination.

paintur68 10 months ago
When did Jeetu get so big!? Wow.

JOHN DOE 9 months ago
Awesome, absolutely awesome wrestlers. Beautiful camera and long matches. Thank you.

Shiv Kumar 9 months ago
who has won this kushti ?

CultDestroyer12 10 months ago
Both these guys have really hot bodies

Heinrick Dujardin Shared on Google+ · 9 months ago
jeetu ! is indeed a man god of indian wrestling, awesome body !
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